Thursday, April 5, 2012

updates and granny squares!

So, hey there! It's Cupcake with an update of sorts.

My life has been absorbed by college and exams, much to my disdain. My writing has launched itself into my brain, so that urge had to be attended to. On top of all that, both of my wrists have been on the fritz. Yippee!

I have been filling any free time I have (when my wrists cooperate, that is) with making granny squares. I am completely and totally addicted. In fact, I've taken a small stock of my squares and pieced them together to start off one of my blankets. Right now, it makes a fair lapghan. Sadly, I did not think to take any pictures of my pretty little squares before piecing them together.
The squares were made with a size G crochet hook and worsted weight yarn.

I've also been busying myself with making squares using Redheart baby soft yarn. It's a right pain in my behind, since I've never worked with a yarn quite like it before. But I'm starting to get the hang of it, and I'm making plans for that blanket, as well. It's a bulky yarn, but I've been using a size J hook. No pictures at present, but I'm fond of the tension that the yarn/hook combo makes.

And alas! There's more! In an effort to distract myself from doing German homework, I made my first hat! I decided that it was finally time to escape simple projects like scarves and grannies, so I tackled a beret. It was a whole lot easier than I had thought it would be, and I'm very excited to start designing my own patterns. That, unfortunately, will wait until I have much more experience.

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