Monday, January 30, 2012

Firstly, an introduction post. My name is Heather, and I am addicted to knitting, crocheting, and writing. I am shy, silly, friendly, and if I make a true friend they have me forever. I study psychology at Rutgers University, and never seem to have enough yarn. My lovely boyfriend of three years has dove head-first into my addiction. Birthday and Christmas presents last year included copious amounts of yarn and supplies.

I have always liked having an outlet for ideas and thoughts, but I found diaries to be silly. "Why," I thought to myself, "would I want to put a thought out into the universe, only to have the world carry on, blind to it?" So, through blogging, I can get my voice out, rant, and ponder. All the while, anyone who cares enough can read it and tell me their own thoughts on the matter. Absolutely perfect, right?

So, here I am. I don't really care who reads this blog, or if you want to give me suggestions on life, crocheting, knitting, or running a blog. I can tell you that I'm always up for suggestions, and there will be so much more than just crochet on this blog.

Crochet, knit, and a touch of life. Just for, you know, good measure.
